3PAY by F.A.T.E3PAY by F.A.T.E

In the last article, Start your Web3.0 journey with F.A.T.E, we covered a hidden gem project in the web3 space called F.A.T.E, a real business creating real tools and utilities for everyday users like you and me.

The first publicly released dApp product developed by F.A.T.E is called 3pay.

When you open up 3pay in a browser you are first greeted with a clean home page and introductory video about 3pay, presented by the developer himself.

3pay is a non-custodial crypto payment solution that functions as an extension of your web3 wallet, allowing you to send and receive cryptocurrencies on 9 different native blockchains.

  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Binance Coin (BNB)
  • Cronos Network (CRO)
  • Polygon (MATIC)
  • Phoenix (PHX)
  • Avalanche (AVAX)
  • Fantom (FTM)
  • Harmony (ONE)
  • Gnosis Chain (XDAI)

It also provides a social landing page to add your online links and social media pages under one roof like a web3 link tree.

How To 3pay

If you are a newbie…don’t worry, using 3pay is super easy and free to set up a basic account.

Just follow the steps listed below!

In order to access all of 3pay’s features, you need to make sure you have a web3 wallet browser plug-in or dApp browser on your phone.

3pay offers a list of crypto wallet options to choose from: Metamask is currently the preferred choice.

  • Type in 3pay.to in the search box of your preferred Dapp browser
Metamask's Dapp Browser
Metamask’s Dapp Browser
  • Click on the Join button
  • Click on Connect wallet
  • Approve the wallet connection by taping on Connect
  • Fill in the boxes with your email address and create your own password to register
  • Click login
  • Voila! Your 3pay account is successfully set up.
3PAY's wallet interface
3PAY’s wallet interface
  • You can now see your 3pay payment interface and set up your social page as well.

After creating your account, feel free to add your personal social media links, share your 3pay profile with friends, discover new people, generate payment links, send/receive crypto, and continue to explore all of what 3pay has to offer.

So now that you have your 3Pay account set up, you are probably wondering…

Why should I use 3pay above any other dApp or crypto payment platform?”

Let’s look at the following features and functions of 3pay that makes it better than the rest of their competitors out there.

Social Networking

There is no web3 without social interaction.

3pay keeps the user’s experience in mind by putting a different spin on how you handle your crypto.

It’s not just a point and click non-custodial payment network but also a massively interactive space!

  • Add a profile picture and cover photo
  • Easily share a brief bio or basic interest on your 3pay profile
  • Add your social or official website links to your profile
  • Customize your Crypto Payment Link
  • Create a personalized Tip Button for you or your content/business
  • Rate other Verified Users or Businesses on the 3pay platform
Simple Profile Setup - 3PAY
Simple Profile setup – 3PAY

Be Discovered

3pay created and continues to grow a network of real people around the world that embraces the web3 ecosystem.

Make yourself discoverable by clicking the “Make Discoverable” box in your 3pay account settings.

This will allow you to join the network and connect with the rest of 3pay’s users within its “Discover” tab.

Discover who to 3pay - 3PAY
Discover who to 3pay – 3PAY

Apart from using the usual public keys/wallet address, 3pay’s “Discover” tab allows you and or anyone else in the 3pay network to search and connect by:

  • Username
  • Common interests
  • Hashtags
  • Keywords
  • Occupation
  • Hobbies

Whether or not you are an influencer, content creator, or business owner…discoverability is important for social presence in this digital era.

Knowledge is Power

Education is key, especially when it comes to your web3 experience and personal finances.

Web 3.0 Education - 3PAY
Web 3.0 Education – 3PAY

3pay’s goal is to improve the web3 knowledge of its users as they decentralize themselves by providing a hub of crypto information, products, and services.

User Friendly

3pay provides a payment interface that mimics a standard checkbook.

This aids in the transition from fiat currency to crypto currency by appealing to all generations and knowledge levels.

Checkbook Payment system - 3PAY
Checkbook Payment system – 3PAY

By mimicking the standard checkbook layout, 3pay creates simplicity to its users. You have the option to:

  • Type in your “Name” at the top
  • Fill out the “Pay To the Order of:” with the wallet address or 3pay username
  • Enter in the dollar or token value “Amount:”
  • Include a personalized “Memo:” note

Tracking your 3pay payments is easy.

Simply scroll down to view your transaction history.

In order to view more details about your blockchain transactions, click on the drop down arrow provided on the right side.

Safety and security is one of 3pays top priorities.

As a non-custodial payment solution, your funds are safe, and 3pay has no access to your hard earned money.

F.A.T.E/3pay even states on their websites that the company and its affiliates will never ask for your web3 wallet password or private keys.

Pay It Forward

3pay’s “Pay It Forward” feature is a fun and interactive way for any user to randomly send a crypto donation to a user within the 3pay network.

A random 3pay user’s wallet is selected and can choose your desired amount to pay forward.

Who knows…you might receive a random “3pay It Forward” gift one day.

Pay it Forward - 3PAY
Pay it Forward – 3PAY

Currently F.A.T.E. / 3pay company is sending 3 random users $30 worth of BNB every month to further promote “Pay it Forward” and thank its 3pay users.


Whether you are an internet novice or an expert, large company or individual, 3Pay is the way!

3pay provides a seamless web3 experience by utilizing all of its features built just for the web3 user.

As you navigate through the 3pay interface, you get this feeling of “I’m fully in control.”

So get your 3pay account ready and witness the true value of the internet right into your wallet.

By Meekness Nnoka

Blockchain Analyst & Writer with top-notch Technological background. Enjoys reading and writing fascinating crypto contents. 4 years content creating experience.

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