The Truth About Crypto

The crypto industry has experienced a lot of turbulence lately. Many people have fallen victim to defaulting crypto lending platforms and exchanges, resulting in a major loss and distrust in the crypto space.

So the question is, how did this happen?

Many people trusted well known centralized companies (such as Voyager, Celsius, FTX, and BlockFi) with their crypto assets, hoping for substantial future gains.

As we’ve seen in the recent news, these centralized companies have fallen short by over leveraging and mismanaging users’ funds.

How did these companies manage to get away with this?

The answer is as simple as the common uttered phrase “Not your keys, not your coins”.

F.A.T.E. reinforces the need to educate and provide helpful tools in order to safely handle your own crypto assets.

Financial Assets and Tokenized Ecosystem, F.A.T.E.
Financial Assets and Tokenized Ecosystem, F.A.T.E.

Many users have become complacent in the Web2 space, but the best person to protect your data and assets is YOU.

F.A.T.E aims to solve the complexities of Web3 and blockchain technology by helping everyday people learn how they can interact with cryptocurrencies, decentralize themselves, and reclaim value in the online space.

There are many people that are using crypto and learning how Web3 works but there are more people that are still living in a Web2 world.

Though transitioning users from Web2 to Web3 presents its challenges, F.A.T.E has devoted a lot of time and energy in developing 3pay this past year.

3PAY by F.A.T.E.
3PAY by F.A.T.E.

F.A.T.E’s goal is to lower the crypto adoption hurdle by introducing its new Web2 to Web3 onboarding process.

3pay is a platform built for individual users, businesses, content creators, and influencers to incorporate Web3 technologies into their everyday lives by providing a seamless way to send and receive cryptocurrency payments.

Web2 to Web3 Evolution

Internet evolution-Web1.0 to Web3.0- Dev community
Internet evolution-Web1.0 to Web3.0- Dev community

If you are reading this article right now you are already someone that knows how to interact and navigate the internet.

But here is where the real questions begin. (let’s dive a little deeper)

  • Do you know how your user information and metadata is being used on all your online accounts?
  • Do you have control over what information you share online?
  • Do you know how to take control of your internet identity?
  • Have you received any meaningful value for the content shared or amount of time spent online?

If you answered “NO” to any of these questions or if these questions piqued your interests on what really goes on when you operate on these Web2 platforms maybe it’s time for a change.

Web2 platforms have grown by feeding on your individual user data and sharing it to those that are willing to pay top dollar to make sure their advertised products make it to the front of your screen.

(Isn’t it crazy how you mention something or type a specific word during an online search and all of a sudden ads appear out of thin air related to that thing.)

If you’re sick of that, this is where Web3 starts to show some of its strengths in regards to personalized internet usage, where you, the user, can gain more control over your own data versus giving it to larger corporations.

You are more than welcome to dive down the rabbit hole and do your own research on how to decentralize yourself by using Web3 technologies.

You’ll probably find a steep learning curve of web coding and plenty of clunky complex interfaces.

But there is already one product out there that is helping everyday users like you and me with Web3…3pay!

With 3pay, a web dApp, you can finally build your online presence under your own control. 3pay allows you to connect your crypto wallet and create a profile page to add all of your social profiles, websites, and payment links under one roof.

Don’t have a crypto wallet?

No worries, 3pay is introducing a new onboarding process.

You can easily set up your 3pay account via email and experience some of the dashboard features 3pay has to offer.

Once you see the potential of 3pay and make the decision to create your own crypto wallet; link your 3pay account with your wallet.

Web2 ease of use combined with the benefits of Web3, what more could you ask for?

Personal safety and security…?

Security and Authentication, 3PAY
Security and Authentication, 3PAY.

It is already inherently built into 3pay. Check out their whitepaper for more details.

F.A.T.E and any of their developed products will never ask for your private seed phrase or password to interact with their web dApps and features.

Remember, F.A.T.E core principles are focused on providing YOU with the tools to control your crypto assets and web experience.

Now Level Up!

Reclaim your Value with F.A.T.E
Reclaim your Value with F.A.T.E

3pay offers a variety of account packages allowing each individual user to choose how they want to interact and use the platform.

Whether you sign up through the Web2 interface or connect with your Web3 crypto wallet you will start with a FREE basic account.

The Basic 3pay account offers the ability to add a profile image, post your social links, and provide you with a crypto payment link.

Don’t be fooled by the “basic” name though. Once you sign up you will have full access to experience and see everything 3pay has to offer as a Web3 platform.

3PAY Account Packages
3PAY Account Packages.

If you opt to pay a one time fee for a Premium account, you will receive all the Basic features along with full access to create your own personalized page and custom username.

Additionally, you will be able to customize your own crypto payment checkbook, post official links, and generate payment embed widgets for your own socials/websites.

Now if you’re also an entrepreneur or business owner and want to incorporate 3pay into your business model.

3pay has a Business account package that gives you all the premium account perks along with setting up your products to be listed in the 3pay store “Front”.

They will even send you custom 3pay window decals and provide personalized support to ensure seamless integration of accepting crypto payments for your business.

No matter how you decide to 3pay, you have options. F.A.T.E recognizes that for any online platform to be successful it needs to be built with the user in mind.

The experience and user interface needs to be fun and easy to use while also providing growth opportunities to expand and build up your presence in the Web3 space.

The different account packages allow users to learn more about Web3 and crypto at their own pace without compromising the utility of what 3pay has to offer.

(P.S. – I already have my 3pay premium account setup and I love it! And if there is anything I learned in Web3 is that getting in early is better than getting in when the FOMO hits.)


3pay is just the start! Through everything that has transpired in the crypto industry and market these past two years, F.A.T.E has weathered it all, not faltering or wavering in the face of adversity.

So if you haven’t checked out this project or team please do so by visiting F.A.T.E’s new website ( and social pages. They are always available to answer any questions or talk about what they are building with the community.

F.A.T.E has big ambitions and wants to build an ecosystem with you in it.

Each innovation and utility this project creates helps solve a hurdle that an everyday user might experience in the Web3/crypto space.

We have seen how easy 3pay is to use compared to other Web3 products.

There are many updates and new products to come from F.A.T.E in the near future, soon everyone will realize what it means to decentralize themselves and truly reclaim their own value!

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