Metaverse jobs with no experience

The metaverse has been an underlining term immediately facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg threw some lights about the metaverse after rebranding company name to META.

Since then renowned brands started putting clear interest in the metavere, brands like, Adobe, Microsoft, etc.

The metaverse is something to worry about especially with the business opportunities it holds.

Business organizations are already preparing for the metaverse and this gives rise to questions about job opportunities in the metaverse.

On the rational level, most businesses always require job experience from workers before employing them and the metaverse companies are not exempted. The metaverse is made possible through technology and you need a tech experience before working in a metaverse firm.

Fortunately, we have Metaverse jobs with no experience needed.

Metaverse jobs that needs field experience

  • Product management: The metaverse will need to sastify users, so metaverse firms will need skilled product managers to work with other team mates and satisfy users.
  • Technical content creation: Content creation is the rising factor of any firm or business. The metaverse will need technical content creators who will be able to create articles, pictures, diagram that will explain the values and potentials of the metaverse firm they are working for.
  • Graphics Designing: The metaverse will require creative thinkers who can build logos, drawings and other graphics work to convey information to users.
  • Metaverse Product Marketing: When the metaverse goes mainstream, a lot of business firm will offer same or slight different commodities and will lead to great competitions. In this vane, marketers are required to make his/her metaverse commodity attractive to the right users and audience.
  • Software Engineering: The mataverse will allow immersive and eyes pleasing values. To achieve this, Augmented reality (AR) and Virtual reality (VR) technology will come into play. This will raise the need for skilled software Engineers.

Metaverse jobs with no experience

Metaverse interaction

Fortunately we still have few jobs that may not need job experience, and anyone can easily learn this and be deemed fit for the job.

  • Social media handling: Over the years, right from the transitioning of web2.0, the social media took over and it became an easier means of communication between companies and their audience. Social media handling will require you interacting with your audience, creating some contents relating to your employer’s firm. And someone who can read and write would be able to do this or learn it in few days. The metaverse companies will also need a social media handler just as metaverse projects have social media handles like Discord, Twitter and Facebook.
  • Tourist guides:  The metaverse is an immersive space, according to Meta’s CEO. In this space there would be online tours and someone will be in charge of that. You just need to use your internet to understand locations in maps and how to get there. So you won’t really need experience to do that. Just few days learning with the internet is okay for you.
  • Sales person: Already we know that commodities will be sold in the metaverse and it will be so advanced that a sales person will be needed. With this, knowing how to count money or  calculate will just be what you need to know. You don’t really need 2 years experience in counting money.
  • Real estate: Just like the buying and selling of lands in the real world. You don’t need experience in buying and selling lands. You just need to get a plot, and look for a buyer. So, in the metaverse, you can buy virtual lands, build on them to get attraction, and sell them for high prices.

There are few metaverse jobs with no experience and you can check some by doing the following;

  1.  Check for  metaverse board jobs for new metaverse job postings.
  2. Follow metaverse communities to see new metaverse job opportunities.
  3. Metaverse meetups have been seen to create job opportunities, so always check your local metaverse meetups for metaverse job opportunities.
  4. The metaverse entry level jobs and the the metaverse experience jobs will be boldly titled.

Why to work in the metaverse?

Just like other jobs, there are many reasons why people choose to work in a firm, apart from the pay. The following are the reasons why working in the metaverse is to be loved.

  • Work remotely: The metaverse will create job opportunities and will permit users to work remotely. Working from home will be possible in the metaverse, as you may just need your VR or AR devices with your laptop and good network connection.
  • Nature of job will accommodate everyone: Just like the topic, you can work in the metaverse with little or no experience at all. The metaverse is not a physical job, so great deal of experiences may not be needed. Although, we have different jobs that might need experience to get. The metaverse therefore will accommodate the experience people and the non-experienced people, by bringing job opportunities to both parties.
  • Good pay: The metaverse will require high funding, and the employees funds will not be exempted. The metaverse will pay well to both the experienced and the non-experienced employees. Working from home with a good pay and comfort is everyone’s dream, and that will be achievable in the metaverse.
  • Job diversity: The job opportunities available in the metaverse are massive. Everyone could easily find a good job fit in the metaverse. Starting from content creation, social media handling, graphics designing, coding, tour guiders, etc. All will be featured in the metaverse.
  • Digital augmentation: The world is going digital and digital mindset is being formed in people. Right from the transition of cryptocurrencies, we are having full digital exuberance in people. A lot of crypto/tech savvy peeps are around. Since the metaverse favours the nature of crypto, tech and web3, it will be a good fit for crypto/tech savvy people to find interest in it. The meteverse jobs will be taking serious with passion, since it is the trend we find ourselves in.

Demerits of working in the metaverse

No matter how good and convenient working in the metaverse might be, we still have few demerits of working in the metaverse. The below points will be of concern with jobs in the metaverse.

  • Fatigue with VR equipment: No one can fully access the metaverse without VR equipment as discussed previously. This means that you must wear your VR tools while working in the metaverse. If the nature of your work requires much time or constant virtual exposure, you might find the VR tools incoveniencing. This will be like a stress to you, as you are to put on those equipment for long. However, you might get used to it.
  • Nature of Country: The metaverse will require constant power supply and good network band(5G). This is not literally available for everyone, and might pose as a barrier for job in the metaverse. For example, some African countries are still yet to embrace 5G technology, this is a big threat to the acceptance and adoption of the metaverse and web3.
  • Addiction: The metaverse is so interactive and real that you can get addicted to it slowly, regardless of your age. If you have played video games with a VR headset, you will understand how interesting the metaverse can be, and how people might prefer the metaverse to the real world. I know you may say it is hard to get addicted since it is for work purposes, but you have to know that the metaverse has many use cases. Meta’s CEO called the metaverse the next frontier, that is how immersive the metaverse could be.

Conclusion on Metaverse jobs with no experience

The metaverse is here already, maybe in the next few months it will be on the mainstream. If you could learn an online skill to match the job requirements in the metaverse, it wont be a bad idea. If you still don’t believe in the metaverse, then you should rethink ; “why are great platforms interested in the metaverse?”.


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By Meekness Nnoka

Blockchain Analyst & Writer with top-notch Technological background. Enjoys reading and writing fascinating crypto contents. 4 years content creating experience.

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