ONT price prediction

Web 3 technology has been making rounds for a long time now. This has made people to wonder about the new internet phase and what it has to offer.

If you want to know more about web3, check previous article below:

Web3 and Web3.

Web3, the new internet built on blockchain to remove the power of centralization in the web2 internet phase, has been the new topic in town, with different blockchain developers zooming into the new trend.

Right from the web3 internet surge, a lot of people are skeptical about it, especially when it comes to users privacy and security.

This is because, users privacy is part of the core problems of web2 and that’s why the idea of web3 was developed.

Although, some web3 platforms still lacks this security and privacy solution, that is why many web3 platforms are being created to help web3 become what it was meant to become.

A lot of web3 crypto tokens have been created and Ontology(ONT) is one of them.

In this article, we are going to discuss about Ontology(ONT) with it’s price prediction from 2022 to 2025.

What is Ontology(ONT)

ONT price prediction
ONT price prediction

Ontology is a web3 platform built to offer trust, privacy, and security to web3. This makes ONT a platform where secured web3 applications can be built on easily.

Ontology, Founded by Li Jun, happens to be one of the web3 platforms fully concerned about the privacy and security of users data in the web3 ecosystem, that is why it has created a bigger infrastructure to offer a trusted access to web3, and placing the privacy of users on a pedestal.

To curb the security and privacy problems of web3, Ontology makes use of a regulatory compliant digital identity solutions.

The blockchain of Ontology is a secured, fast and low cost blockchain created for web3 applications.

Just as other platforms have their native tokens, so is ONT the token of Ontology.

Tokenomics of ONT

Reports from coinmarketcap reveal the price statistics of ONT as;

  • ONT current price: $0.2424.
  • Market capitalization: $212,142,775.
  • Fully diluted market capitalization: $242,379,767.
  • Circulation supply: 875,249,524.00 ONT.
  • Maximum supply:1,000,000,000.
  • 24 hours volume:$12,858,513.

Why is ONT unique?

ONT uniqueness is beyond the web3 solution protocol and is explained below;

  • Web 3 privacy solution: At ONT platform, users privacy and security is guarantee, especially in the web3 interface. Web3 applications can be easily built taken users privacy in high esteem.
  • Built applications and blockchain: Apart from web3 applications, ONT still allows developers to build blockchain on the ONT blockchain interface. ONT, a layer 2 blockchain platform, is designed to give users and companies the flexibility to build blockchain-based solutions of their choices, having regulatory compliances in mind, ONT revealed.

ONT price prediction

The tokenomics of ONT is valid with an attractive current price. Still yet, price prediction is needed to guide your investment choices. The solution or use case is not enough to open a position on cryptocurrencies, that is why fundamental and technical analysis needs to be done. The price predictions of ONT will be grouped into; 2022, 2023 and 2025.

ONT price prediction 2022

ONT 1day chart- Trading view
ONT 1day chart- Trading view

The fundamentals of ONT is top notch, from different sides. Fundamentally, ONT has a great circulation that favors price increment. This also becomes interesting as the market capitalization is still in an early stage to favor investors and holders in the long run. ONT downtrend was highly sponsored by the recent Bitcoin dip.  This made the old support of ONT to be broken, forming a new one.

Technically, from chart show above, ONT has reached a new support line, which was respected and will create a new bullish trend after the current bear market.

Finally, from fundamental and technical analysis, ONT is predicted to hit a price of $1 and an average price of $0.5 before the end of 2022.

ONT price prediction 2023

ONT 1day chart- Trading view
ONT 1day chart- Trading view

Still banking of the above fundamentals, ONT’s market capitalization will continue to increase, leading to an equivalent increase in price.

Also, the price actions of ONT shows an anticipated massive buying impulse of ONT from chart above.

ONT is predicted to hit $3 with an average price of $1.5 by 2023.

ONT price prediction 2025

ONT 1day chart- Trading view
ONT 1day chart- Trading view

2025 will be a good year for the crypto space and bullish year for Bitcoin. This will set the pace for ALT coins with values like ONT.

The market capitalization of ONT is predicted to exceed a billion market, which is a massive increase in the price of ONT.

Having a scare supply will also increase the demand(BUY) strength of ONT.

Finally, from technical and fundamental analysis, ONT is predicted to hit a price of $12 with an average price of $6 by 2025.

Should I buy ONT?

The low price of ONT should be a buying trigger, but buying triggers are beyond price factors. From the fundamental and technical analysis above, buying ONT is not a bad idea.

ONT seems to be promising and a good investment for the long run. But you can’t rush into the market unless you have a buying zone from technical analysis.

Fortunately, we are going to discuss the current buying zones for ONT token below.

Where to buy ONT

ONT Buy zones- Trading view
ONT Buy zones- Trading view

Just as we said, buying a coin is a thing, and knowing where to buy is another thing altogether. Before you enter a market, you have to analyze the market charts(Technical analysis).

From the chart above, ONT is at a new support, which has been respected to validate support proficiency.

The above marked area is shown as “BUY ZONES”, and it represents the best zones to buy ONT.

You can either buy at any point around the zones marked out.


Web3 hasn’t transitioned fully into the mainstream and it’s vulnerable to bugs and privacy issues. That’s why we have different developer platforms like Ontology(ONT), working hard to fix web3. The goal of web3 is privacy secured when surfing or utilizing web3 products or goodies, if this can’t work, then web3 is no good as web2.

Ontology, therefore remains committed in solving  web3 current issues to make web3 better.


Cryptocurrencies are volatile, and encompass significant risk amount. You are advised to do your own research, as this article is not a financial advice.


By Meekness Nnoka

Blockchain Analyst & Writer with top-notch Technological background. Enjoys reading and writing fascinating crypto contents. 4 years content creating experience.

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